// Gigachess


Video trailer


About the Game

Gigachess is a puzzle board hero defense. With your custom party of Knights, Rooks and Bishops, defend against the relentless waves of enemy Pawns running a blitz for the board’s bottom. The seemingly unbreakable formations and constant downward march of your foe transform chess from slow burn to tactical rush in this deeply addictive single-player take on the grandmaster of turn-based strategy.

How long can you survive the Pawn onslaught?

GigaChess Features

  • Endless mode with randomly-generated waves and a choice of 4 difficulty levels for a perpetual Pawn menace (now with persistent quicksaves!)
  • Puzzle Attack mode offering 40+ high-stakes, logic-testing stages to clear
  • Playable Tutorials & Tooltips for a crash course in the mechanical intricacies and insight on demand
  • Strategic Power-ups that block advancing Pawns, plant explosive traps & more!
  • Competitive Leaderboards to rank your best played games against the world
  • Achievements & Trading Cards for the complete Steam experience

Chess for one has never been more compelling. Get your head around Gigachess today!



Developed by


Published by


Release date:

May 5, 2016

Operating System

Tool used

Created with

Runtimes used
